Dog reaction to Toilet Roll Challenge

Dog reaction to Toilet Roll Challenge SUBSCRIBE for more video! More funny dog videos and dog training…

ADOPTED DOG ADVENTURES – Official trailer (2021)

We have adopted a three years old dog from a shelter. Videos show how this lovely dog…

Dog reaction to the toilet roll Challenge!! [BEST REACTION EVER!]

My dog reaction to the toilet roll challenge. Before you see the video, guess how many level…

Playing catch me if you can with my dog #Shorts

Playing catch me if you can with my dog #Shorts More funny dog videos and dog training…

Chouby eating crunchy food – My dog doing ASMR

Chouby eating crunchy food – My dog doing ASMR. So cute , relaxing and satisfying ASMR video….

Dog reaction to neighbour’s goose

My dog don’t like goose sound! How can I teach my dog ​​to ignore a neighbor’s goose?…

Dog argument with his owner about deer hunting

„We met with two deers in the forest. I wanted to hunt them immediately, but my owner…

Chouby (Adopted Dog Adventures)

We have adopted a three years old dog from a shelter. Videos show how this lovely dog…

Chouby (Official trailer) – Version 2

We have adopted a three years old dog from a shelter. Videos show how this lovely dog…

How to train dog waiting for dinner – #2nd week | Adopted Dog Adventures | Dog training

Not even he has to sit but he has to lie down and wait calmly until dinner…